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Hey friends!

As a church, we have a lot to celebrate from January. There was the fantastic Yorkson Campus re-launch at Richard Bulpitt! It's amazing to see so many of you engaging deeply at Yorkson, and so many new people as well! In January, we also announced the location of our third campus: Aldergrove. And there have been powerful times of God at work in conversations with people in our Alpha course and beyond.

As we continue in the final two weeks of our Digitology sermon series, we want to continue to ask what it means to follow Jesus in the midst of the technology all around. What disciplines is He calling us to build into our lives?

This February, let's grow together as apprentices to Jesus in this digital age.

Love you all!

Upcoming Events

CHANGED TO FEB. 22 - 6:30pm
We've pushed the interest night back a couple of weeks to be able to share more clearly our path forward for our third campus.
Starts. Feb. 17th - 7:00pm
This multi-session in-person course is designed to prepare a person for baptism and/or membership at any NLCC campus.
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