As you have grown as an apprentice of Jesus, and found ways to serve him and his church in ministry, have you wondered if God might be calling you into vocational ministry? Are you wanting a deeper confirmation of whether the work of a pastor or ministry leader is part of your life’s calling? Do you want to deepen your relationship with Christ and sharpen your ministry skills in the context of a thriving church ministry team?

NLCC’s Ministry Intern and Ministry Associate program is designed to equip emerging leaders for pastoring or church planting, with special concern for the future leaders of the Mennonite Brethren movement of churches.

It’s open to university or college students or graduates who have been affirmed as gifted and potentially called to vocational ministry, and who are interested in gaining greater ministry experience, and if applicable, academic training for vocational ministry (partially funded by NLCC). 

Ministry Interns serve part-time as paid NLCC staff. Ministry Associates also do this, but also receive partial financial support for academic studies, either at an undergraduate institution, or at Regent College.

All positions for 2024-2025 have now been filled.