This is a multi-session course that is designed to prepare a person for baptism and/or membership. It unpacks what NLCC believes about the gospel, baptism, unique Mennonite Brethren doctrinal distinctives, membership, and apprenticeship to Jesus, and explains how NLCC does ministry and life together.
It is required for anyone who would like to be baptized or become a member at either of NLCC's campuses.
As a Mennonite Brethren church, we are part of the Anabaptist tradition, meaning that we practice the baptism of believing adults, and only receive into membership those who have been baptized as adults. If you are baptized here at NLCC, you also become a member (we explain this in the course). If you came from a Christian tradition that baptized infants, and you have questions about what that might mean, this would be a great course to ask your questions.
It is ideal if candidates plan to attend all sessions of the Baptism and Membership Course.