The life of an apprentice of Jesus consists of more than coming to church on Sundays. We want anyone that attends NLCC to be practicing their faith with others in a small group. Life Together is a two-week course that connects newcomers and regular attendees to a small group called a Life Group. Come, get connected and help connect others as we seek to be loved by Jesus, led by Jesus, become like Jesus, and lead others to Jesus. 

The Life Together Course is offered in the Fall, Winter, and Spring.

Register for Courses

We've got a great selection of courses we offer throughout the year! Click on one below to register. If a course you are looking for isn't currently listed, we might not be currently offering it. Feel free to reach out to or give us a call if you have any questions.

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life together - Session 1

Session 1 focuses on getting to know our church's vision and values for Life Groups at NLCC. We will talk about why we focus on Life Groups and what to expect when you join one.

life together - Session 2

Session 2 places you into a forming Life Group. We talk about the roles and rhythms of a Life Group and work through details around when your group meets, where your group meets, and who is doing what in the group.

After this session, we launch your forming group with a Life Group primer that focuses on building relationships in your new Life Group.

Some common questions about Life Together

Newcomers and regular attenders. Basically, anyone looking to get connected to our community and practice following Jesus with others in a Life Group.

Forming a community with others is a challenging and delicate process. We want everyone that calls this church home to be connected, and this is a way to help connect newcomers and regular attenders into a Life Group. Just like marriage benefits from pre-marital counselling, we believe a new small group benefits from a few formative conversations about what we are called to, aiming for, and expecting when we form a community with others.

This course gives you a chance to test drive the rhythm and model we follow here, and make a decision about your involvement accordingly. This saves the leaders the disappointment of discovering, in their own home, that the new people directed their way are only test-driving the experience. 

We understand that schedules and sickness sometimes interfere with perfect attendance, even with a two week course. You will have the most beneficial experience by attending all sessions, and it's our preference that you make time in your schedule so that you can. However, in certain cases we may be able to make accommodations so that if you miss a session, you can still receive the content we shared. 

In addition to observing your experience with others in the course, we take into account whatever information you can provide us with. Groups are first formed from the Life Together participants. We think geography is an important factor in helping groups maintain healthy rhythms together. If your individual needs don't correspond to the groups being formed, then we do our best to connect you with a group that is currently open to new members. We will not place you anywhere you don't want to be.

Some groups are limited in size because of where they meet or the leaders' personal margin for shepherding others. Other groups are in a season of supporting one or more members through a significant trial, and want to focus their energies during this time. Sometimes a group has already weathered significant transition in a given season, and needs time to regroup. Space to meet can also be a factor in limiting group numbers. We do our best to work with leaders to make room for everyone who has need.

You can take our Life Together Primer to catch up on what we as a church have been talking about for a few years together. Also, feel free to contact us and we can talk about your options. We offer Life Together three times a year hopefully one of those options works for you, but if not, we may be able to help.