Welcome to NLCC Minecraft!

If you are a part of NLCC Kids, Middle School, Youth or an adult leader in those programs, follow the following steps in order to ensure you can join us in-game.

1. Purchase a Copy of Minecraft

On the computer - Purchase the Windows 10 edition. Java will not work. You can also purchase on Xbox One, Tablets, and Phones. The website says PS4 and Nintendo Switch consoles work, but some argue that those ones cannot connect yet. We have not tested so be wary of this.

2. Send Scott your GamerTag

Once you purchase the game and set up your account - email scottt@nlcc.ca your gamertag (ie. Your online minecraft name), your Xbox Live name and the name of the child playing. This is to ensure you can access the server and to ensure we keep it secure within our church family.

3. Start the Game

Start the game and navigate to the Servers tab. On my windows 10 version it is the tab farthest to the right once you log in.

4. Add NLCC Server

Click Add Server. The server name is: NLCC Minecraft

The server address is:

The port is: 25627

The version will also need to be 1.14.

(This may change as they release more updates).

5. Play the game!

Now save the server, and then hit play and enter the game.

If you have issues, email scottt@nlcc.ca and I will try to troubleshoot with you. Also, all these different versions should be able to connect to our server but might not be able to. Please have grace as we figure this out.

The Rules of the Server

Make sure all kids see these rules
Rule #1
Treat others with love and respect
Rule #2
No destroying the creation's of others
Rule #3
No rude or vulgar language
Check out Minecraft Events too!
Scott will be on to run Challenges at 1pm Tuesdays and Thursdays