At NLCC we are all about growing together as apprentices of Jesus. We can connect in a variety of ways regardless of life stage through various opportunities to support each other along the journey as we connect with the life-changing power of Jesus.

Here are some pathways to Apprenticeship:

Join a Life Group

These are small groups of 5-12 people who gather together regularly for supportive conversation, Bible study, and prayer. Many of our Life Groups are men and women, but we also encourage the creation of specifically men's or women's Life Groups. Start by attending a Life Together course.

Join Life Together
Form an Apprentice Group

These groups of 3-4 men or 3-4 women form organically through existing friendships or relationships, to go deeper through prayer, confession, scripture, and sharing. We have some amazing Apprentice Group Resources for you to start your apprentice group right away.

Start a Group
Bible Studies

Join our Tuesday Morning Bible Study to dive deep into God's Word in small groups or find a local Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) for men or for women to connect deeper with God together.

Tuesday Mornings (Resumes Sept. 2023) Bible Study Fellowship

Upcoming Events

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